Friday, March 11, 2016

New Life as a Vaper

Let's start this new blog off with a bit of where I come from and how I came to vape in the first place. There is going to be a bit of rambling in this post but for future posts I will try and keep it to a minimum.

To begin with I first tried cigarettes when I was 12. Both my parents were smokers for as long as I can remember. At first I didn't like it. My dad smoked Marlborough full flavor and that was the first one I tried. I didn't pick up another one for 4 years which is when I started smoking regularly, sneaking one out of my dad's pack every few days.

Another two years of that and I was hooked. I can't quite explain why, maybe for rebellion, or because it calmed my mind. I've always been an outdoor smoker except for when I stayed with my mom for a bit and at a few friends places. Even now that I vape I still go outside. Helps give me time away from everything to think and clear my thoughts.

Once I turned 18 and could buy my own I started smoking menthol exclusively, and eventually moved to roll-your-own tobacco. It took me a while to get the hang of it but it was cheap and worth it. At least I thought. When I was 26 I tried quitting and to help I purchased a blu cig thinking it would cut down the cravings. Unfortunately I felt the blu cig tasted like plastic and that didn't last.

Almost a year later after my son was born my sister came to visit me and introduced me to mods for the first time. I didn't think much of it but since me and my girlfriend had a kid my girlfriend has been urging me to quit. Another year and a half went by with me still smoking and my girlfriend asking me to quit. So I suggested mods.

For my 28th birthday she bought me an x6 bumblebee starter kit and some juice. The juice was a little over the top. 60ml of menthol with 36mg of NIC. The stuff tasted horrible. Fortunately for me the local smoke shop was selling decent menthol for about $4 for a 10ml bottle.

From then on I was all about the vape scene. Unfortunately for me the only place within walking distance was the smoke shop which doesn't specialize in e-cigs. They had a very small selection of the e-cig pens and a decent amount of juice, but that's about it. Soon after I got the X6 it broke. It started out with me being unable to screw the charger on, then the threads got so bad I couldn't get the tank on. I ended up breaking my tank and the whole thing was just a mess, but I bought a cheap replacement from the smoke shop.

Unfortunately for me the smoke shop doesn't sell replacement couils, and since I had been camping for less than a month I was still getting used to it and would burn through a coil in a week. I ended up with about 4 different types of the pen style e-cigs, the only ones available at the smoke shop.

Eventually this past January we got our state tax refund and it was open season on e-cig shopping. I found the myvaporstore website and searched high and low. A friend of mine that I met while searching for the right product for me had a Kangertech Subox Mini with the Subtank that came with it. After looking over it I decided I wanted a box mod and settled on the Kbox 200. I figured with 200 watts and tc controller I wouldn't need another replacement for a while.

I purchased the Kbox online and received it shortly after. Needless to say I'm happily vaping away day and night. The thing I liked about is that when I bought the mod I was able to add a compatible tank and a set of 2 18650 batteries. It gave me the option to get a charger with it but with the Kbox I could just use my phone charger to charge the batteries. I got the subtank mini with it and have been building my own coils ever since. I've had my issues with building them without a ohm reader or the proper tools, but I'm getting better.

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